Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You’re driving home?

From the when-the-hell-did-I-get-old department.

We had a teenage patient at the patrol building the other day.  This post isn’t about him, it’s about his friends.  I asked how they would get home and they said they would drive.  Drive?! Are you fucking kidding me?  They looked like they were barely old enough to tie their own shoes, let alone drive.  I looked across the bed at a fellow patroller and she just gave me the knowing look.  You know that look – the one that a real adult gives you that means, “Grasshopper, now you know what we’ve been talking about all these years.  Welcome to old.”

On the plus side, the patient’s friends asked for permission before posting pictures of him on Facebook.  My generation is scared of information getting around on these social networking sites.  These kids have it right.

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